Thursday, September 18, 2008

Who Else Books is everywhere this fall!

Here are some upcoming Book-ish events I want to share with you. Please forward this information to friends you think might be interested.

Sunday, September 7, 3:00, DENVER BOOK MALL, 32 Broadway (between 1st and Ellsworth Aves), 303-733-3808 – Jeanne Stein discusses her books and signs Legacy, the 4th in the Anna Strong vampire chronicles. Jeanne's writing is so good, she's built a strong (no pun intended) following. We continue to have to reorder her earlier 3 titles, but you can be assured we have them in stock. Start reading (or re-reading) them now and come September 7 to catch up with Jeanne. Check her website at Talk and book signing; books 10% off.

Friday, September 12, 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. -- Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers holds their annual Colorado Gold Conference September 12-14, with panels, instruction, keynote speakers, and access to editors and agents. Even if you cannot attend the entire weekend, the mass autographing session on Friday night is free and open to the public. Dozens of authors will be signing their books from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. on the lower level of the Renaissance Denver Hotel at 3801 Quebec Street. The web site,, gives the names of many, but not all, of those who will be signing. Among those signing will be Colorado science fiction favorites Mario Acevedo, Carol Berg, Lynda Hilburn, Robin Owens, and Jeanne Stein; Jeanne has just been named RMFW Writer of the Year!! Bring your own copies or buy them on-site from Who Else! Books. RMFW is a terrific writers organization with a variety of working critique groups geared toward every writing category and level of experience.

Sunday, October 5, 3:00, DENVER BOOK MALL, 32 Broadway (between 1st and Ellsworth Aves), 303-733-3808 – Warren Hammond discusses and signs his newest book, Ex-KOP, a futuristic thriller in the noir tradition We also have copies of the first book, KOP, in both hardcover and mass market paperback. All at 10% off cover price.

October 8 -- Colorado Book Awards at the Tivoli Center. Check details and make reservations at (scroll down the home page).

October 10-12 -- 2008 Clive Cussler Convention, Ramada Plaza, 10 East 120th Avenue, Northglenn, Colorado 80233. Rates go up $20 on September 9. Clive will be there, as will several of his co-authors. Includes a tour and BBQ at the Clive Cussler Museum, and transportation to and from the museum. Check for more details.

Wednesday, October 29, 7:00 p.m. -- “Fang You Very Much: Vampire Authors Go For the Neck.” Mario Acevedo, Lynda Hilburn and Jeanne Stein will do a free presentation at the Highlands Ranch Library, 9292 Ridge Line Blvd. For a map and directions, check Who Else! Books will provide their books at the event, or bring your own.

Random Acts of Theatre – back by popular demand Tuesdays and Wednesdays for four weeks beginning October 28, except for November 5 election night. A troupe of local actors will entertain you with comedic pieces centered on “Random Acts of Rx.” $10 admission includes refreshment. Stay tuned for reservation information.